I need to download my NJ Sora license - But I forgot my login and password ? EMAIL: privatedetectiveunit@njsp.org
Supply your name and sora Card number or application number/Date of birth and phone number. Request your login and Password !
Wait for NJ State Police to reply to your email. Then follow the below steps! Write down & save your login and password!
No Reply call the Private Detective Unit 609 633 9352
The State Police will no longer be sending an actual SORA card to your home. The directions in the next section explain the procedure to either download or print your SORA card. If your our client an get stuck call us ! : Upon completion of your finger prints - Your New NJ Sora E-card can take up to 4 weeks to appear in your NJ Sora account.
Step 1: CLICK : https://eapps.njsp.org/applicant/logon.do
Click returning sora applicant ; Enter your login/password. (If you do not know your login and password you can retrieve them by hitting the forgot login or forgot password link. Please note that they will ask for your application ID (temporary certificate number, or Certification number (number on your SORA card) in order to reset your login.
Step 2: Once logged in to your account, put your cursor on the word security officer (or armed security officer if applicable) and a drop down box will appear :
Click on my applications (2nd from top)
Step 3 : Once in my applications, your security card should be available; click on ID card in blue. If the card will not open, please unblock pop ups
Step 4: Take a screen shot of Sora E-Card and save to phone and/or print it out. No need for a laminated Sora Card as per NJ State Police . If your employer needs "Proof of Sora Certification" click on approval letter and download or print same.
If it does not work:
Remember to Use Google Chrome Or
If using Micro Soft Edge :
Sign to your account and when it opens click: Armed Security or Unarmed officer depends what application you created and click: My application and you can print out your own card just make sure on your computer setting the "Pop-ups" are unblocked.
-on right top corner there are 3 dots, click on it,
click: settings
click: cookies and permissions
scroll down there are on right side "POP-UPS" unblock them
NJ State Police Private Detective Unit – call 609 633 9352 or email privatedetectiveunit@njsp.org (NJSP Approves your E-Card ) No more physical card or letter mailed .